Service graphs

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Graph Information

This graph shows what the machine memory uses for.

Field Internal name Type Warn Crit Info
nonpaged_pool npgdpool gauge     /Memory/Pool Nonpaged Bytes
drvmem drvmem gauge     (pageable) /Memory/System Driver Resident Bytes
pagedpool pagedpool gauge     /Memory/Pool Paged Resident Bytes
priv_ws wspriv gauge     Nonshared process pages currently in the memory: /Process(_Total)/Working Set - Private
standby_rsv standbyrsv gauge     /Memory/Standby Cache Reserve Bytes
standby_norm standby gauge     /Memory/Standby Cache Normal Priority Bytes
mod_pagelist modpag gauge     /Memory/Modified Page List Bytes
free_pagelist frepag gauge     /Memory/Free & Zero Page List Bytes
swap swap gauge     pagefile allocated (not-system) /Process(_Total)/Page File Bytes
phymem phymem gauge     The physical memory size
commitlimit commitlimit gauge     The current maximum number of pages that can be committed by the system without extending the paging file(s).
committed committed gauge     The number of bytes currently committed by the system.