Service graphs

daily graph weekly graph
monthly graph yearly graph

Graph Information

Shows named oracle sessions to NEPTUN

Field Internal name Type Warn Crit Info
other sessions other gauge     named but non NEPTUN3R nor POTLAP sessions;
POTLAP sessions potlap gauge     select count(*) from v$session where username = 'POTLAP'
NEPTUN3R other sessions neptunother gauge     select count(*) from v$session where username = 'NEPTUN3R' and machine is other
NEPTUN3R native app sessions neptunapp gauge     select count(*) from v$session where username = 'NEPTUN3R' machine='NEPTUNAPP1\NEPTUNAPP1'
NEPTUN3R oktato sessions neptunokt gauge     select count(*) from v$session where username = 'NEPTUN3R' and machine='IIS APPPOOL\NEPTUNWEB1'
NEPTUN3R hweb sessions neptunhweb gauge     select count(*) from v$session where username = 'NEPTUN3R' and machine like 'IIS APPPOOL\NEPTUNHWEB%'